Administrative Team
Head of Schooloffice: x 215
Asst. Principal of Spiritual Life/School Counselor
Director of Curriculum and Instructionoffice: x 230
Jr. High Spanishoffice: x 289
Academic Specialistoffice: x 259
Full-Day Kindergarten Aide / Academic Specialistoffice: x 241
Library Media Center Directoroffice: x 222
K-5 Grade Spanishoffice: x 247
6th/7th Spanish & 1st-4th Grade Aideoffice: x 213
Bible, 8th Grade Homeroomoffice: x 266
6-8 Student Services Coordinator / 5th grade Aide / Academic Specialistoffice: x 261
Art (Grades 6-8)office: x 238
Jr. High Language Arts, 7th Grade Homeroomoffice: x 280
Student Services Director/Social Workeroffice: x 272
MML/Technology Integration Coordinatoroffice: x 288
Reading Specialistoffice: x 275
U.S. History, 7th Grade Homeroomoffice: x 284
Half-Day Kindergartenoffice: x 271
Jr. High Science / STEM & Jr. High Coordinatoroffice: x 254
Half-Day Kindergarten / Academic Specialistoffice: x 277
Jr. High Literature, 8th Grade Homeroomoffice: x 287
After-School Extended Careoffice: x 243
Orchestra Teacheroffice: x 262
Athletic Dir., Phys. Ed, Grades 4-5 & Boys 6-8 office: x 256
6th Grade Choir & Music Foundationsoffice: x 217
Full-Day Kindergartenoffice: x 278
Full-Day Kindergartenoffice: x 291
Kindergarten Aideoffice: x 264
Physical Educationoffice: x 255
Jr. High Math, 8th Grade Homeroomoffice: x 234
Kindergarten Aideoffice: x 263
Educational Therapistoffice: x 239
Jr. High Math and Bible, 8th Grade Homeroomoffice: x 237
1st-4th Grade Aideoffice: x 227
Art (Grades K-8)office: x 240
Jr. High Science, 7th Grade Homeroomoffice: x 229
K-5 Student Services Coordinator / Academic Specialistoffice: x 293
Vocal Music (Gr. 4-5) and Instrumental groupsoffice: x 257
Math Specialist / Academic Specialistoffice: x 283
Development Coordinatoroffice: x 201
Technology Directoroffice: x 248
Maintenance Directoroffice: x 219
Office Assistantoffice: x 225
Maintenance Technicianoffice: x 295
Admissions Coordinatoroffice: x 216
Library Aideoffice: x 221
Marketing Specialistoffice: office: x 212
Custodial Supervisoroffice: x 297
Business Directoroffice: x 232
Receptionistoffice: x 210
Administrative Assistant/Music Department Aideoffice: x 236