Junior High years encompass great opportunity, high energy, and many changes. Our program provides 6th, 7th, and 8th graders of Wheaton Christian Grammar School with an array of academic, artistic, athletic, social, and service opportunities designed to maximize the junior high years. The result is a highly personal experience where students prepare for high school in an environment of positive peer relationships.
Our philosophy has been to make 6th grade a positive transitional year for students. Their classrooms are located in the same wing as 7th and 8th grade, and the 6th grade teachers teach separate content areas, but student schedules are different and there is a different level of teacher interaction.
All 6th-8th grade students participate in weekly Connect Groups, where 8-10 students meet with a teacher, staff member, or administrator to talk about what's on their minds, and to receive biblically-grounded direction from caring adults. WCGS students don't receive formula answers to life's tough questions. Rather, we focus on teaching students how to think critically and filter questions through the grid of God's unchanging Word. Monthly chapels give junior high students an opportunity to help organize and lead in worship.
Surveys of recent graduates have shown that more than 90 percent qualified for advanced classes in high school. Academically, the WCGS junior high provides a stimulating educational environment that will prepare students for a highly successful high school experience.
- Each student takes courses in both English and literature.
- Six math courses are offered to provide a developmentally appropriate and challenging range of mathematical instruction to meet student ability.
- The broad-based, STEM-infused science program provides significant lab experiences over a wide variety of science disciplines.
- All students have Bible class each day.
- The eighth grade Bible curriculum, Lightbearers from Summit Ministries, is an in-depth biblical worldview curriculum. Students are further prepared for a life of impact through a variety of service and ministry opportunities.
- The equivalent of a high school level Spanish I course is available to 7th and 8th graders.
- Multi-media and digital arts provide state-of-the-art technological integration.
- Students take art, computer, physical education and have the opportunity to participate in choir, band, orchestra or music appreciation.
Do our students work hard? Yes, but they also enjoy lots of activities geared to their interests, energy, and aptitude for fun.