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- Phone: (630) 668-1385
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- Mailing Address: 1N350 Taylor Drive, Winfield, IL 60190
Drop In and Learn More Tuesdays, 9-10 a.m.
Wheaton Christian Grammar School teaches students that the Lord Jesus Christ is to be preeminent in every area of their lives, including their education. We acknowledge that every aspect of academic study and each school activity is based upon this biblical truth. "For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth...all things were created by him and for him...he is before all things, and in him all things hold that in everything he might have supremacy. (Colossians 1:16-18). Jesus is to be at the center of all learning and living.
We affirm that the triune God is sovereign and the creator of all things. Man is the direct creation of God and made in His image. Man is to live his life as a response to his Creator and Savior, knowing Him and living in harmony with Him. God has revealed Himself to us in His Son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Scriptures. We can by His grace know and communicate His truth, generation after generation.
While most the world divides truth between sacred and secular, Christian Education acknowledges that's God's truth is of universal scope. The Christian world view is that God has revealed Himself through both natural and written revelation. In Christian education, all subjects are taught as part of the total truth of God. Thus Christian education is the process of seeing things through the perspective of God's Word. We encourage our students to become all that they were created by God to be -- in mind, in body, in spirit -- for the glory of God. An education that includes the spiritual nature must be provided so that a child will be fully developed. Only then will the child know the true purpose of living.
Wheaton Christian Grammar School embraces the Bible's teaching that God has given the family the responsibility of educating or "bringing up" children. Parents have the primary responsibility to prayerfully study and teach the Word of God to their children. "Teach them to your children, talking about them when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up" (Deuteronomy 11:19). Complementing the home and school, and in obedience to God’s Word, WCGS families are committed to the corporate Body of Christ through involvement in an evangelical church through worship, service and discipleship that is true to Scripture. The values, goals, discipline and atmosphere of the home, church and school in partnership with one another will provide an environment where students will be nurtured toward Christ-likeness in every way (Luke 2:52).
Our school is committed to Christ-centered education and the teaching of God's truth, whether it is scientific, historical, philosophical, or spiritual. Our faculty is committed to providing a high-quality program of academics and co-curricular opportunities. Our students are challenged individually to excel in every facet of learning. It is our desire that we clearly honor God in all our pursuits. It is our hope that our students follow Christ, forthrightly proclaim Him, and recognize and use their gifts as members of the body of Christ.