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Give to WCGS

Help us continue the impact of WCGS

Wheaton Christian Grammar School has been preparing tomorrow's leaders to make a difference in their world for Jesus Christ since 1942 in part, because of the generous and sacrificial giving of others. While our school and community have grown greatly from our humble beginning, we still depend on gifts as we seek to educate, train, and nurture children for godliness and excellence. 

Give a gift to WCGS  

 Read about the different funds below


Annual Scholarship Fund

The cost of providing a first-class education is substantial. Our yearly goal for the Annual Scholarship Fund is $450,000. This fund provides scholarship assistance to our students each year who would not otherwise be able to enroll.

The Annual Scholarship Fund is supported through direct donations, the Scholarship Benefit and Auction, and the Annual Scholarship Golf Outing. 

Capital Campaign

After starting in a rented home in 1942 and then many years on Harrison Avenue in Wheaton, it became clear that a new campus would be needed to address our need for space and modernization. With prayer and anticipation, we broke ground for our current campus on March 19, 2009, and moved in June 2010.

God brought us here through the generous and sacrificial gifts of His people, but we still have work to do. Of the new campus cost – $25M – our remaining debt is just under $845,000! 

We’re so close to the finish line. Will you help us achieve the goal?

Kaleidoscope Fund

The Kaleidoscope Program provides services for students who need academic support to benefit from their educational experience at WCGS. Many students enrolled in the Kaleidoscope program have diagnosed learning difficulties in one or more academic and/or perceptual areas (i.e., reading, spelling, math, written expression, handwriting, etc.). 

Kaleidoscope teachers are all former classroom teachers who are now trained Educational Therapists and have become certified in learning differences. The work they do with students is similar to tutoring but is more specialized in terms of interactive language and explicit, intense cognitive and perceptual stimulation.

Participating families pay a fee for these services above their regular tuition. Every effort is made to keep the cost affordable, but the cost is a factor that affects some families' ability to participate. Tuition assistance is available through this special, need-based fund. 

Matthew Anderson Fund

The Matthew Anderson Fund serves to fund initiatives of spiritual development and formation for students, faculty, and staff members of WCGS. These initiatives have included a year-long teacher development program with coaching in Biblically Integrated Instruction, as well as student and parent training through the Summit Ministries' AXIS worldview program.

The Fund was established to honor the life and legacy of a former student who fought a valiant battle with leukemia and taught us all lessons of faith and courage. Matthew, WCGS Class of 2007, was diagnosed with cancer just a few weeks before his 8th-grade graduation.

God gave him the courage and strength to give his testimony at his Commencement in 2007. His subsequent three-year battle with leukemia ended three years to the day of his diagnosis. He is now in the presence of his Lord.

Matthew loved Jesus and his life reflected his deep convictions. He was a student of high character, strong physical drive, and evident spiritual passion. He fought hard and was ultimately victorious in life and death. In the process, he encouraged us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. Matthew truly lived out Joshua 1:9, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Other Ways to Give

AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as Amazon.com. The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile and make Wheaton Christian Grammar School (Wheaton Society for Christian Instruction) the beneficiary, .5% of your purchases made on Amazon supports our school! Visit smile.amazon.com and start donating while you shop!

Bequest intentions and other gift planning opportunities can offer substantial tax benefits to you and your family. This can be a fixed dollar amount, a percentage of the total estate, or a percentage of the residual estate. 

Gifts of appreciated securities that have been owned for more than a year provide a mutual benefit for the donor and for Wheaton Christian Grammar School. 

Matching Gifts offered by your employer could allow you to double or triple your gift to Wheaton Christian Grammar School. Some employers even match gifts from retirees!

The Children's Tuition Fund allows Illinois residents to direct their state income tax by making a charitable donation to a state-certified scholarship organization. Click here for more information about the Children's Tuition Fund and information on the Invest in Kids Act of 2017. Click here for step-by-step directions on how to give to the Children's Tuition Fund.

For more information, contact Jeff Brooke, Head of School or Joanne DeGroot, Development Coordinator.