From the parents: We moved to Wheaton in 2005 from Virginia and remained a part of the amazing school family at Wheaton Christian Grammar School for 14 years. WCGS provided an exceptional education, excellent spiritual disciplines, important accountability in relationships, and a priceless Christ-centered Biblical worldview that prepared our children for high school, college, and beyond. As parents, we continually counted on WCGS to partner with us and we were always amazed at how well the teachers knew our children. They remembered details about our family, created intentional time for a relationship with the kids and we trusted teachers to work alongside us as we raised our children.
We loved it when Mr. Clum, Mr. Burgess, and any other available teachers would be at the front door to meet and greet the kids when they entered school in the morning. It is a special touch that makes the administrators and teachers approachable and loveable as they give high fives and handshakes to the children. It also helped me get the kids into the building on rough days!
I will never forget when one of my kids decided they wouldn’t get out of the car and go to class. I sat there in the parking lot until all the cars left and the bell rang, not willing to give in. Finally, I said “Listen, it’s time for class, and see Mr. Clum right there at the door? If you won’t go to school he’s going come to the car and ask what’s wrong, do you want him to think there is something you don’t like about school?” Let’s just say that I’ve never seen my child unbuckle so fast and run into the building after saying that.
Here's what the kids had to say:
Alyssa: My love for the Lord, for music, and writing all started by watching my teachers and coaches do all things for the Glory of God. WCGS consistently provided us with opportunities to grow in our relationship with Christ and demonstrate our talents. It is also very special to share similar experiences, memories and some of the same teachers with my younger siblings. They are memories that bring us together with laughter and gratitude when we recall special teachers, playing in band, and experiencing the warmth and love that WCGS gave us.
Kayla: WCGS impacted me by providing a foundation of love, support, and relationships around my life. It became a source of not only a great education but a place where I could grow up in a strong faith-based community. When I reflect on WCGS, it ultimately is and will always be a place that defines my childhood.
Josh: Now that I’m starting high school, I recognize the importance of a Christian foundation. I appreciate how much we studied the Bible at WCGS and how the teachers impacted my life in such a positive way. It’s also fun to know my cousins are going to WCGS and I can give them tips and advice.