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Faculty Spotlight: Daniel Huttenlock

Faculty Spotlight: Daniel Huttenlock

September 30, 2019

What classes do you teach here at WCGS?

For the past few years, I have taught our seventh grade English and 8th grade Advanced English courses. I love working with our students on their writing skills, vocabulary development, and grammar abilities!

You are very invested in our school, what different roles do you play outside of being a teacher?

In the fall, I coach cross country to any interested sixth, seventh, or eighth graders. Any takers?

In the winter months, outside my teaching roles, I help coach our ACSI Speech Meet participants, which covers interested first through sixth graders who memorize, practice, and present speeches at our ACSI Speech Meet. I come out of hibernation in the spring, so you will find me out on the athletic fields again coaching track. This is currently open to 5th through 8th graders.

Why do you think it’s important to be invested in your school?

I love being able to connect with students outside of daily school routines through athletics and extracurriculars like Speech Meet because it gives me the ability to see many different gifts that God has bestowed on our students. Coaching, in particular, opens up great opportunities for conversations and lessons that help each of us on our walk with Christ. Those of us who are runners understand why running and races are used so often as examples in the Bible (see Galatians, Hebrews, 1 Corinthians). Did I mention cross country and track are open to all junior high students? Any takers yet?

Why is it crucial for students to learn how to write?

When God created the universe, he spoke it into existence. Words, communication, and creativity are all part of being image-bearers of our triune God. The ability to communicate with words and to learn vicariously through the experience with others are gifts and the unique capacity of man.

More concretely, throughout seventh grade, we talk about how we write to make meaning out of the struggles and pain in our lives, and to share these valuable lessons with others—narrative. We write to stand up for what we believe and for those who cannot defend themselves—argument. We write to share our unique knowledge, expertise, or something we learn—information (expository). Throughout all of these genres, we write to share experiences with one another and those outside our community. It is great to see students share their works at competitions and even in letter form to others in our community—feel free to ask some of our seventh graders who they wrote to.

Beyond these ideas, writing is an excellent way to gain deeper insight. It is hard to know what you think until you see what you have to say.

How have you seen the Lord work in your life through WCGS?

I have had the unique blessing of being able to spend many formative years at Wheaton Christian Grammar School, with this being my tenth year teaching here. It is impossible to mention by name everyone who has impacted me in my ten years here, but I have been challenged, stretched, and mentored by those who have come before me.

From our wonderful administration who model Christ-like leadership, to our office staff who excel at hospitality, to our teachers who love the Lord and students, to our school families who make Christ-centered education a joyful possibility, to the students who bring us laughter and tears (we’re talking all kinds of tears), to many more people, God has used WCGS to move me closer to Him day-by-day and year-by-year.

The people who enter Wheaton Christian Grammar School daily have been the hands and feet of Christ to me for many years. So, thank you for reminding me of my opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ to those who I come in contact with here and beyond. 

Just like Mr. Huttenlock, all of our teachers are invested in not only educating your child well but investing their time to help each student grow spiritually and emotionally. It's the Wheaton Christian difference. Are you interested in a school that cares for the heart and mind of your child? 

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Tags: christian education, jr. high, english, athletics, literature, track and field, cross country, private education, wheaton christian grammar school, private christian school chicago suburbs, 2017 national blue ribbon school, daniel huttenlock