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Meet the Paull Family

Meet the Paull Family

November 05, 2020

From the parents: It was the spring of 2017, and we had just sold our house in Lisle and were looking to move to Winfield when we received news that I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

Our lives were quickly turned upside down balancing a move, chemotherapy, and a daughter experiencing her own health challenges. Our greatest hope was that our girls (we have 4) went back to school in the fall, the stress of a new school wouldn’t be overwhelming. We were tremendously blessed by the amazing welcome our entire family received.  From the teachers who went above and beyond to care for our girls during this challenging season to the administrators who constantly held our family up in prayer … it made the difference!

During that season, we saw God work in mighty ways in the lives of our kids.  We saw them grow in ways we didn’t think were possible.

While we certainly value the amazing education that our girls are receiving at WCGS, it is truly the love, encouragement, and support from teachers and staff that set WCGS apart from the other schools we considered. 

As parents, the educational choices we make for our kids are some of the hardest and most important. And while sending 4 kids to the Grammar School is certainly a commitment and investment for our family, it is one that is producing amazing fruit in the lives of our kids!


Tags: elementary, jr. high, kindergarten, testimonial, wheaton christian grammar school, private christian school chicago suburbs, 2017 national blue ribbon school, parent testimonial, student testimonial, paull family