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Transformation in Transitions

Transformation in Transitions

April 21, 2021

We have had many new families join the WCGS community for our 2020-2021 school year and have worked to find creative solutions to help them get connected! One of these solutions was a New Parent Breakfast. New families were sent breakfast boxes and a Zoom link to join Administrators and Staff for a time of introduction and discussion. This meeting provided an opportunity for connections to be made, ideas to be shared, and questions to be answered. After the Zoom call, we reached out to two families to hear more about their transition to WCGS.

The Hilde Family

"Exploring new school options in a pandemic is challenging, but also an opportunity to see how a school is adapting and progressing towards their mission. We were so impressed by the intentionality last spring and summer to educate, onboard, and welcome new families through a mix of Zoom and safe in-person events. That carried over into the school year where we have appreciated all the efforts to deliver in-person learning and as much community as possible. Within days of being here, our four children were telling us how much they loved their new school! From our kindergartener to our 8th grader, we've seen them grow socially and spiritually in the short time they have been here. The class sizes were small enough for our kids to quickly make friends, yet the grades large enough to where each of them is excited about continuing to get to know other classmates. 

One spiritual highlight was hearing our 5th grader recite her memorized chapters from Isaiah as we neared Christmas break, then watching her light up as our pastor read from the same verses at our Christmas Eve service. She whispered to all of us, "I know these verses! This is what we memorized at school!" That connection between what she is hearing at church and getting reinforced during the week at school is invaluable. 

We can tell there is a community that extends beyond the temporary challenges of COVID-19, but even so this is a welcoming place. Several administrators and staff know our names, remember details about our family, and take a genuine interest in getting to know us better. Other parents have made an extra effort to connect with our children and us. We're so glad we made the decision to join this community of parents and educators united in the partnership work of integrating faith and learning. 

We have found WCGS to be a place of belonging, rooted in biblical values, and graced with leaders and teachers who genuinely care about the students AND parents. Our four children love being here, and we look forward to being a part of this transformational community for years to come!"

The Anders Family

"Over the years, our family had considered Christian-based schooling for our four children, but it wasn't until COVID, restrictions on attending church, and remote learning that we decided to make the switch from public school to WCGS. We knew for certain that we'd be making the switch to WCGS after our very first tour and meeting, and we are beyond grateful for the education and community that WCGS has provided our family this year. We were thrilled and relieved at how well the kids adjusted to the new school and how quickly they made new friends. We had so many amazing families reach out to us the first month which was just the start of many friendships for the kids and us as parents.

We have seen tremendous educational and emotional growth with all four of our children. The teachers and the curriculum have unlocked parts of their brains that we haven’t seen them use before. Weekly and quarterly growth goals are set for each child, and the teachers truly hold the kids accountable to achieving and exceeding those goals. In academic areas where our children have needed extra help, the teachers have reached out to us and provided us with extra resources and suggestions for growth. The teachers aren't just "group teaching," they are truly individualizing their plans to help each student reach their maximum potential.

The Christian foundation is so special, and we are forever grateful that God has surrounded us with this Christian community. Our kids have been able to gain new confidence because so much love and respect circulates throughout this school. We love that the kids can openly reference the Bible and talk about how God works in their lives. They've learned to pray for their friends, teachers, and staff. They know that God created them to be special, and WCGS is a safe place to be true to themselves.

We will continue our journey at WCGS because God is front and center, our children are happy and confident, they are challenged academically, and they are learning important life skills that seemed to be missing for them before."

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Tags: faith, education, transition, transfer, testimonial, new families, christian education