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What WCGS Meant to Me - A Student Reflection

What WCGS Meant to Me - A Student Reflection

January 15, 2020

1,716 days, 245 weeks, 29 teachers who taught me, 10 years, 1 extraordinary experience. Every math problem, book report, history test, and mile Monday was 100% worth it. If I could relive my experience at Wheaton Christian Grammar School, from the first day of kindergarten, I would. I would live it 10, even 100 times again. That’s how much it impacted my life.

Proverbs 22:6 says: “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” WCGS started me on the right path since my first day of school in Kindergarten. Throughout my years there, I have realized more and more how unique the Grammar School is compared to other schools. Students and teachers freely express their abounding love for the Lord as well as having Bible class every day. When we were young, we learned all the classic Bible stories, like Noah and the Ark. But at WCGS you also learn about the little details too. Wheaton Christian taught me how creative God is and how He made every story like a puzzle piece and fit them all together to create one magnificent picture.             

But Wheaton Christian doesn’t just teach the famous, well-known stories; they also teach about characters in the Bible whom most people today overlook. Like Naaman, a man who had Leprosy but was healed by the prophet Elisha. If it were not for the teaching of WCGS, I would most likely not know who Naaman is or the difference between Elijah and Elisha.  WCGS made sure that I had an outstanding knowledge of the Bible and I know how it relates to our world today. 

During my Junior High years at WCGS, all students were challenged in their spiritual walk with some of the bigger life questions like:

  • Why is there pain and suffering in our world?
  • Why are there other religions?
  • How can we spread the good news of Christ to all people?

We even learned about other religions and how to dialogue with people who have a different worldview. Wheaton Christian let me dive into these questions and helped me discover answers. My teachers challenged me to look beyond what I know and into God’s knowledge.

WCGS also challenged me academically. I have done a countless number of projects, research papers, and oral presentations. At the time when I was doing the school work, I didn’t like it, but looking back at my 2nd grade spelling quizzes to that history test a few weeks ago, I am thankful my teachers gave those assessments. At any other school, I would have never learned the educational disciplines I did. Wheaton Christian was always challenging me to look up to the heavens, do my best, and shine my light for the Lord.

The thing I valued most at WCGS was that there was always a community for me. Friends, family, teachers, and classmates showed me that in the body of Christ, it's ultimately His love that holds us together. The teachers knew me well enough to notice when something was wrong, and they were always willing to help and talk one on one. They poured wisdom and courage into us students like a parent would to his child. They never yelled, made me feel unworthy, or discouraged me. Instead, they showed me love, joy, patience, and exemplified actions that pointed me towards Christ. I sometimes spent my lunch with my English teacher getting help on Latin and Greek roots, or with my math teacher measuring angles and volume. They were always willing to give up their time to help me. All my teachers were always willing to help.  

My classmates were such wonderful young men and women. We all knew each other by name. We knew each other’s passions and personalities. My classmates treated each other in a way that honored the Lord. Now don’t be fooled, we weren't perfect. But I always saw forgiveness and redemption. WCGS taught us to forgive and use those experiences to help us grow.

So, why are you reading this today? Don’t worry, I know why. You support us students. You are always there supporting us, and I want to thank you. It’s not every day we kids get to pause and show our gratitude to you. I thank all of you for supporting Wheaton Christian Grammar School. Without all of you and your hard work, WCGS would not be what it is today. Thanks to your generosity and support, you have given me and hundreds of other students the best possible school experience that I could ever imagine. There is no place like Wheaton Christian Grammar School. It’s bold, joyful, patient, and loving. You have given us a place to grow in our friendships, academics, and our spiritual life. To me, it’s a second home.

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Tags: elementary, jr. high, kindergarten, private education, wheaton christian grammar school, private christian school chicago suburbs, 2017 national blue ribbon school, student reflection, sumana danielson, wcgs graduate